It is my belief that we are predetermined with a purpose once we are birthed onto this earth. There are many characteristics of our personalities that are innately within us that with the right energy fueling it, we are most close to our Highest Selves: the purest essence of our spirit that is here to serve in ways unique to us, Our Sage. Over time, if not exposed to the best conditions (frequency of energy) for our sage, we can get bogged down by the low vibrations of poor diets, inadequate rest, misinformation, and judgements of self and others. This chips away at our wholeness and counteracts our sole purpose for life itself.
With the mentioned distractions, we learn subconsciously to sabotage ourselves under many different experiences of exposure and survival. We at our detriment unknowingly give a lot of credit and energy to fear as our driving factor. The opposite of fear, Love, is the most powerful and the most sacred for ultimately existing and thriving.
As a strong feeler and someone who is sensitive to endless amounts of stimuli surrounding me, I believe the path back to our sage and to love is through our senses. They are what ground us into this life experience. They are what make us unique in our expression and what makes us the same as humans. By giving focus to them, it is here that we can begin to connect with what makes us whole, our natural nature of bliss, allowing us to flourish in all levels of our existence and improving our holistic vitality; the most important being knowing self!
Sensitive, Introvert, StrongFeeler, or Empath? These are gifts and are apart of your purpose that you may have convinced yourself are not good attributes to have. Uncover the lies that have allowed your gifts to lie dormant.
In my discoveries and research, Shirzad Chamine's Positive Intelligence Program allows us all to use self command to transform our minds into more mentally fit state. with his introduction of our Sage and Saboteurs. I am a Positive Intelligence trained coach with personal experience on how the transition to sage has been more effective in not only my everyday life but also the lives of those I love and serve. Check out which saboteurs you currently have active that are inhibiting your growth, prosperity, and overall well-being by taking the Assessment. Schedule a Free Discovery Session with me to explore and become curious about how we can begin to let your Sage be more present.
How Can It All Make Sense?
Learn to optimize your gifts of healing with simple techniques
Have you taken the Assessment and want to continue on to the next part of your self-explorative journey? Join me for (6 )-60 minutes sensory and energy coaching sessions in the exclusive I Am Whole Sensory Integration Offer. With this limited time offer:
Create and reinforce new positive brain pathways to Sage to decrease the negative ones of sabotage
Enhance your sense of wholistic stability through the use of your senses and various modalities.
Tap into the power of who you really are...your purpose and reason for being
Live and create freely as you are meant to
Combat self sabotage and ward off saboteur contagion from others.