- Virtual Chakra Knowledge & Integration Workshop Series
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- Virtual Root Chakra Knowledge and Integration Workshop
Virtual Root Chakra Knowledge and Integration Workshop
Are you crippled by fear? Fear of failure, fear of success, and even fear of your own power but ready to overcome and thrive? Do you experience an energy of feeling like you are only just making it by? Are you looking to get out of a poverty mindset or an experience of lack and claim the abundance that is yours?
Great, because Nikki of Naturally Just Nikki is here to "healp" you reclaim your power and BE NATURALLY JUST YOU!
Sunday May 12, 2024
3:00- 4:30pm EST
via Zoom
Get rooted and grounded in the fundamental knowledge of you as a spirit having a human experience. This first stop of descension is the one that literally plants us into this physical existence of life. Join in as we give focus to our chakra of survival and our connection to this Earth. Get rooted in your ancestry and grounded in your present with the gifts of your root chakra. Learn to empower yourself with calling in the energy you have to heal and be guided to explore the depths of your shadows that have you experiencing fear rather than love.
With this class, we will:
Learn core root chakra principles and areas of focus & discipline.
Learn signs of root imbalance & tools to assist in realignment.
Learn how energy stores can show up a disease, dysfunction, and disability in the areas governed by the root.
Implement shadow work to gain a holistic understanding of why you may experience pain, fatigue, depression, & overwhelm
Integration will be implemented through:
Vibrational Work
Journal Prompting
Sharing Space
Therapeutic Exercise
And more!
Zoom link will be provided prior to class. If you are unable to join live, session will be recorded.